
Grief is a horrible twisted awful thing. Just when you think you’ve got it at bay, it swallows you again. You make progress, it doesn’t hurt as much..and then something hits you like a ton of bricks out of nowhere. I’m very open and intuitive. I am susceptible to energies most ignore. That opens me up for a huge possibility of bigger high points and lower low points, if that makes sense. To say that one day you wake up and *poof* it’s all better is a lie. I feel like knowing the low points will come and I will get through them is more empowering than ignoring the possibility of their arrival. Allowing someone to be such a huge part of your life is a wonderful thing, but when you lose them it leaves a hole you can’t fill. You learn to live with it, like an old injury that flares up from time to time. Today is not one of my
strongest days, but I will get better. I encourage you to come to me if you need someone to talk to at any time. I always try to help when I can.
Tennessee Honey

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